Full Moon in Leo
On Sunday – in the early evening – the Full Moon arrived. And as always this is one of the most powerful and intense times of the month. Because as…
On Sunday – in the early evening – the Full Moon arrived.
And as always this is one of the most powerful and intense times of the month.
Because as this moon cycle peaks
You’re going to feel increased energy and emotions (and even more so if you were born under a Full Moon).
And while this heightened resonance can incentivise and motivate you
It can also leave you feeling agitated and anxious if your life plans aren’t where you want them to be.
Because this is the time when unresolved emotions will come up for air.
This is in part due to the increased amount of positive ions in the atmosphere at this time.
These ions constrict your blood flow
Which (if you’re already feeling emotionally or physically toxic) can leave you feeling more congested and stuck.
So if you find yourself being irritated or less tolerant – or see this in those around you
Know that this Full Moon brings an opportunity to clear and release those feelings.
Because Full Moons are incredibly cleansing.
Without doubt, this is the best time in the month to release all that which is no longer serving you in your life.
And this takes courage
It’s not easy moving out of that familiar comfort zone
Yet this Full Moon is asking you to do exactly that
Because while this moon cycle started two weeks ago in Aquarius-
A fixed Air sign, that rules the mind
This Full Moon is in a fixed Fire sign which rules the heart.
So this is very much the time when you’ll be reconnecting to your heart energy
Because even though the Aquarian vision is about the ‘best version of humanity’
This can only be created and held if it is integrated with love.
And Leo (represented by the lion) rules the heart.
Guided by the Sun, Leo is the most magnanimous, generous and courageous sign of the Zodiac
So take comfort in knowing that this Full Moon is supporting you every step of the way
That even if you’re feeling alone, overwhelmed or bleak
This Full Moon brings vigour with it.
Because wherever you are, however you are feeling – there is a bigger energy source that you can tap into right now.
And as we know nothing stays hidden or suppressed under a Full Moon
And this includes your greatness – your special uniqueness that only you bring to the world.
So make the most of this time of illumination.
Focus on that part of you that is yearning to shine, especially in the darkness.
And as this Full Moon is at 16 degrees of Leo, wherever this sits in your natal chart is exactly where you are being asked to radiate ‘you’ right now.