How to make the most of a full moon

Every month there is a full moon. A night when the sky is alive with lunar light. And it brings with it physical and emotional changes. When we’re unaware of…

Every month there is a full moon. A night when the sky is alive with lunar light. And it brings with it physical and emotional changes.

When we’re unaware of it then we can feel unsettled, restless, intolerant. But knowing about the full moon can transform our whole experience.

Because the energy around a full moon is intense. It’s supposed to be. It’s the peak of the lunar cycle, when the moon is at it’s fullest, it’s brightest. It’s the accumulation of two weeks of growing, absorbing and our reaction to the full moon is often an indicator of what we’ve been absorbing.

If we feel that we’re off track, not where we want to be then the full moon energy can feel tense. It shines a light on areas that we may wish to avoid. And often it can bring out our shadow side, the part of ourselves that we want to keep hidden.

BUT if we’ve been consciously ‘growing’ and absorbing the right things, then we more likely to feel elated, excited at this time. The full moon has long been a time of celebration, people gathering together under this moonlit sky. So we’re likely to have more energy at this time, to feel more sociable,

So if we’re finding that we’re jittery or on edge at a full moon, one of the best things that we can do is ground ourselves. Walk barefoot, put our feet in cold water – anything to shift the energy from the head and move it to the rest of our body.

It’s also a great time to journal. Our intuition is at it’s peak right now so it’s a good time to see what the moon wants to reveal to you. Situations usually get clarity and new information often comes to light around this time.

And all we have to do is be aware of this time and see what is happening around us.

Find out more by watching the video:


If you’re interested in learning more about the moon, why not come to a moon workshop or a full moon meditation?

Just click here for more information