Mercury in Retrograde
Mercury is now in Retrograde – which means that from our Earth view, it looks like it’s moving backwards. This happens three time a year for three weeks and often…
Mercury is now in Retrograde – which means that from our Earth view, it looks like it’s moving backwards.
This happens three time a year for three weeks and often this time gets a bad rap….
As Mercury rules communication, travel and technology – any issues and problems that occur that are connected to these areas will often be blamed on Mercury being in Retrograde.
And yes it is true to say that the energy of Mercury is unstable right now so it isn’t ideal to set new deals, contracts or purchases in motion.
And it’s always worth having a Plan B and to remember that you’ll likely to feel different about any issue by the time Mercury stabilises and goes forward again (which in this case will be on the 18th January 2024).
However rather than allow your life to grind to a halt it is important to remember that this is a great time to stop and reflect especially in the areas of your life that Mercury rules.
When any planet is in Retrograde it’s always worth putting a RE in front of it – re-visit, re-flect, re-evaluate, re-consider, re-view etc etc Because as Mercury is seemingly going backwards, this is a great chance to also go back over any details and issues that aren’t finished.
I’m always fascinated by people who were born with their Mercury in Retrograde – they usually communicate and learn (especially when younger) differently to their peer group. That while they may hold back from expressing deep emotions, they usually find that they have to be emotionally engaged in what they are learning…..
I really like Mercury in Retrograde – it’s a great time to take a pause to reflect and review – what in your life will you keep and finish and what is it time to let go of?