New Moon Eclipse
This most potent and introspective time of your month is coming tomorrow evening
Tomorrow, in the early evening the New Moon cycle begins.
As always this is a time of new beginnings, hopes and dreams
As the unconscious will often reveal visions that are connected to your future.
Any action, choice or movement forward is always easier around a New Moon
As the influx of negative ions into the atmosphere help you cleanse emotionally and physically
And withdrawal symptoms from letting go of unwanted behaviors are always less
And this New Moon is particularly potent
Because this New Moon is also a Solar Eclipse
And Solar Eclipses are always connected to the North or South Node
While the South Node illuminates conditioned beliefs and behaviours linked to the past
This New Moon is aligned with the North Node which is connected to your destiny and ultimate fulfilment
So notice what is arising at this time
Each year we have between four and seven eclipses
And the position of the Eclipse is repeated every 19 years
The last time you experienced this specific Eclipse placement was on April 8th 2005
So thinking back to that time is especially useful.
What was important back then and how are these themes being repeated right now?
Because Solar Eclipses mark major turning points in your life
They signify endings and beginnings
Old outworn patterns are often broken so that new opportunities can emerge
So notice where 19 degrees of Aries sits in your natal chart
This is the area of your life that is acting as a catalyst for your evolution.
And while this is a time of opportunity
It can also feel unsettling
Firstly the bright light of the Sun is being temporarily blocked (eclipsed) by the Moon
And this can leave can leave you feeling less confident and emotionally depleted
And secondly this Eclipse is conjunct (sitting next to) Chiron
Chiron is the wounded healer
His placement is connected to suffering experienced in childhood
So his role in tomorrow’s New Moon Eclipse is to open old wounds
To unpick those scabs from yesterday
So the repressed, almost forgotten pain
So they can be released and cleared for the final time.
This isnt easy.
So you may find that your energy levels fluctuate over the next few days
And as Aries rules the head – you could feel any built up tension in this area of your body
So if you can, take some time for stillness
To spend time outside closer to the celestial heavens
So that you can re-connect to your own internal wisdom
And listen to the dreams waiting to come forward into manifestation.
This Eclipse energy will continue to ripple for the next six months
And while Eclipses are often referred to as ‘wildcards’
Bringing unexpectant (and sometimes unwanted) situations to your front door
Take comfort in the knowledge that they are here to support you
That events that unfold are part of a bigger plan
To propel you forward, in huge quantum leaps,
Towards the life of your most bold and brave dreams.
Click here if you would like to listen to more about this New Moon Eclipse