Why the new moon is so important

The new moon marks the beginning of a whole new cycle. I love that every month we get the chance to wipe the slate clean and begin afresh. Any goals,…

The new moon marks the beginning of a whole new cycle.

I love that every month we get the chance to wipe the slate clean and begin afresh.

Any goals, wishes, intentions are said to have magic added to them as there is a lunar energy that aids momentum for all new endeavours.

Yet so often we can miss these golden opportunities.

That we don’t make the most of this time by really feeling into this new cycle. Often our intentions are half hearted, familiar and without deep consideration. And the results can often mirror this.

BUT when we take time to really connect to our dreams then magic happens. It’s about following the thoughts that contain excitement. Creating goals that stretch our imagination and visualising what our best selves, our best lives could look like.

To find out more watch the video below: