Happy New Year

I often feel conflicted at this time of the year as in the outside world there is a big push for setting goals, taking action and starting the year off…

I often feel conflicted at this time of the year as in the outside world there is a big push for setting goals, taking action and starting the year off with a big splash.

However let’s not forget that right now we’re still in the heart of Winter.

We’re in the domain of the Moon as we continue to travel through the darker months of the year.

The essence of this time is resting, dreaming and hibernating and
our ancestors would have been doing much less at this time of the year.

I know for myself when I honour the seasons and my intuitive behaviours I naturally surge forward in the Spring with a newly birthed zest and vigor fon life.

How are you finding it?

How do the seasons influence your energy levels?
